Texas Governor and Attorney General Sued in Civil Rights Lawsuit Over Discrimination Against Student’s Dreadlocks

The family of a Black high school student in Texas has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the state’s governor and attorney general, claiming they failed to uphold a new law that prohibits discrimination based on hairstyles. Darryl George, a 17-year-old junior at Barbers Hill High School in Mont Belvieu, has been serving an in-school suspension since August 31st. School officials argue that his dreadlocks violate the district’s dress code by falling below his eyebrows and ear lobes. However, George’s mother and their attorney argue that his hairstyle complies with the dress code as his hair is neatly tied in twisted dreadlocks on top of his head.

Supporters of George claim that his suspension goes against the state’s CROWN Act, which came into effect on September 1st. The lawsuit also alleges that Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have failed to protect George’s constitutional rights against discrimination and violations of his freedom of speech and expression in their official capacities. The family’s attorney, Allie Booker, argues that George should be allowed to wear his hair as he chooses since the grooming policy disproportionately affects Black males and has no significant impact on learning or safety.

The lawsuit seeks a temporary restraining order to halt George’s in-school suspension while the case is being heard. Candice Matthews, the national minister of politics for the New Black Panther Nation and a spokesperson for George’s family, stated that it is time to hold the Barbers Hill Independent School District accountable for racism. This lawsuit follows a formal complaint filed by George’s mother and attorney with the Texas Education Agency, accusing school officials of harassment and mistreatment over his hair and alleging that his in-school suspension violates the CROWN Act.

The school district, in response, has filed its own lawsuit in state court seeking clarification on whether their dress code restrictions for boys’ hair length violate the CROWN Act. Superintendent Greg Poole maintains that the dress code is lawful and teaches students the importance of conformity for the benefit of everyone. The district has stated that they will not escalate the punishment against George while awaiting the court’s ruling on their lawsuit.

George’s case is not the first time Barbers Hill High School has faced controversy regarding its dress code. In 2020, two other Black male students, De’Andre Arnold and Kaden Bradford, were told they had to cut their dreadlocks. The families of both students sued the school district, and a federal judge later ruled that the district’s hair policy was discriminatory. The ongoing case, which gained national attention, played a significant role in the passage of Texas’ version of the CROWN Act. Arnold and Bradford withdrew from the school, with Bradford returning after the judge’s ruling.

The CROWN Act, which stands for “Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” aims to prevent race-based hair discrimination by prohibiting employers and schools from penalizing individuals based on hair texture or protective hairstyles such as Afros, braids, dreadlocks, twists, or Bantu knots. Texas is one of 24 states that have implemented its own version of the act. Although a federal version of the act passed in the U.S. House last year, it did not succeed in the Senate.

State Representative Rhetta Bowers, who authored Texas’ CROWN Act, has emphasized that George’s hairstyle is protected by the new law and called for an end to his suspension. Bowers expressed disappointment in the Barbers Hill Independent School District’s attempts to find loopholes to perpetuate hair discrimination, stating that the Texas CROWN Act was designed to prevent such situations.

As the lawsuit unfolds, it highlights the ongoing debate surrounding discrimination based on hairstyles and the importance of enforcing anti-discrimination laws in educational institutions.

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