Opposition Party Leaders Arrested in Moldova on Corruption Charges

Chisinau, September 23 – RIA Novosti. The court in Chisinau has ordered the arrest of the leaders of the opposition party “Vozrozhdenie” in Moldova, Alexander Nesterovskiy and Irina Lozovan, on charges of corruption and illegal financing of political activities, according to the party’s press service. “The court in Chisinau has ordered a 30-day detention in pretrial custody for Alexander Nesterovskiy and a 30-day house arrest for Irina Lozovan. The lawyers intend to appeal the decision in the Appeals Court,” the party’s press service stated. On September 21, the Republic’s Prosecutor’s Office conducted twenty searches at the party’s chairperson Natalia Paraschi and other members of “Vozrozhdenie” regarding the case of illegal financing of political activities. The Parliament approved the prosecutor’s request and lifted the parliamentary immunity of Nesterovskiy and Lozovan, who were subsequently detained for 72 hours on suspicion of corruption and illegal financing of political forces, involving the leader of the banned party “Shor” in Moldova, Ilan Shor. Today, supporters of the “Vozrozhdenie” party held a protest in front of the courthouse. Demonstrators chanted “Down with Maia Sandu” and held signs that read “Down with dictatorship” and “Restore democracy.” Yesterday, members and activists of the “Vozrozhdenie” party staged a protest in front of the National Anti-Corruption Center building in Chisinau, demanding the release of the detained MPs and an end to “political repression.” Representatives of the “Vozrozhdenie” party regularly hold pickets in front of government agencies, diplomatic missions of countries and organizations of the European Union to draw attention to issues within the country. In July, the political party initiated a signature campaign to declare the ruling party “Action and Solidarity” unconstitutional. At the end of August, the political force announced the start of a signature collection process for Moldova’s entry into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

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