Trump Faces Backlash as Pro-Life Groups Pressure Him on Abortion Stance

In a surprising turn of events, former President Donald Trump has faced criticism and pressure from pro-life groups after changing his stance on abortion restrictions. This sudden shift has left many within the pro-life movement questioning his motives and dedication to their cause.

Trump’s about-face on abortion came after he labeled Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ six-week ban as “a terrible thing” and abandoned his push for federal-level restrictions. Pro-life advocates, who had previously supported Trump for his pro-life stance, are now determined to hold him accountable and bring him back into alignment with their cause.

Patrick Brown, a fellow with the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Life and Family Initiative, expressed concern about pro-lifers allowing themselves to be taken for granted. He questioned whether they would sit back and accept it when candidates denigrate the cause they have dedicated their lives to. The sentiment is echoed by Kristi Hamrick, chief policy strategist with Students for Life of America, who emphasized that ignoring the human rights issue of our time would not earn their support.

Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, criticized Trump’s change of position as “pathetic and unacceptable.” She argued that Trump was actively attacking the pro-life laws that were made possible by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Trump’s reversal has provided ammunition for his GOP primary contenders, with Governor DeSantis warning pro-life voters that Trump is preparing to “sell them out.”

DeSantis highlighted Trump’s history of making deals with Democrats, suggesting that he may compromise on the right to life issue to please them. He urged pro-lifers to be cautious, emphasizing that Trump’s actions in the past have not always aligned with their interests. DeSantis himself signed the heartbeat bill in Florida and expressed pride in protecting babies with heartbeats.

This unexpected shift in Trump’s stance on abortion has raised suspicions and skepticism among pro-life groups. They are determined to remind him of the importance of their cause and ensure that their support is not taken for granted. As the 2024 campaign trail unfolds, it remains to be seen how Trump will respond to the mounting pressure from pro-life advocates..

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