Study Links Aspartame to Memory and Learning Problems: Concerns Raised Over FDA Safety Standards

A recent study conducted by the Florida State University (FSU) College of Medicine has revealed potential problems with memory and learning associated with the consumption of aspartame, a non-sugar, low-calorie sweetener commonly found in sugar-free or “diet” foods and drinks. The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, demonstrated that even at levels deemed safe by the FDA, male mice that consumed aspartame had offspring that showed spatial learning and memory deficits.

The research involved three groups of mice over a 16-week period. One group consumed the FDA’s recommended maximum intake of daily aspartame, equivalent to four 8-ounce sodas. Another group consumed 7% of the recommended maximum intake (two 8-ounce sodas daily), while a third control group consumed only water. The mice were tested in mazes at various intervals and it was observed that the mice that consumed aspartame took significantly longer to complete the maze and often required additional assistance compared to the control group.

These findings raise concerns over the safety of aspartame, especially considering the World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in June. Dr. Pradeep Bhide, co-author of the study, suggests that the FDA should take a closer, multi-generational perspective on the effects of aspartame based on these results.

However, industry experts, including the Calorie Control Council, have defended aspartame, stating that there is no link between low- and no-calorie sweeteners and cognitive impairments in humans. They argue that the reported findings contradict the comprehensive evidence and assessments conducted by numerous global health organizations that have deemed aspartame safe for consumption.

While the study was conducted on mice and may not directly translate to humans, the potential cognitive effects of aspartame warrant further investigation. Dr. Kelly Johnson-Arbor, a medical toxicology physician, stressed the need for additional studies to conclusively establish the connection between aspartame and brain damage. In the meantime, concerned individuals may consider limiting their daily intake of artificial sweeteners until the true health risks are clarified.

It is important to note that this study sheds light on potential concerns surrounding aspartame, but more research is needed to fully understand its impact on human health. As the debate continues, individuals can stay informed about the latest developments in health and wellness by visiting

Melissa Rudy is the health editor and a member of the lifestyle team at Fox News Digital, providing regular updates on the most significant health and wellness news. Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our weekly health newsletter.

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