Biden Administration Imposes New Barriers on American Energy

The Biden administration has quietly implemented new measures targeting American energy by striking a voluntary agreement with activist organizations. This agreement has resulted in the protection of millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico from oil and gas development, as well as the imposition of vessel restrictions. The administration claims that these actions are necessary to protect Rice’s whales, a species safeguarded by the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. However, critics argue that these measures will only harm low carbon and responsible domestic energy production in the Gulf. The consequences of this agreement are twofold, as it not only restricts potential oil and gas production but also imposes new vessel speed limits and travel restrictions. These changes are expected to cause delays and increase costs for vessels crossing the Gulf, impacting various industries and strategic ports. The administration’s energy policy has been criticized for unnecessarily slowing American energy production and increasing emissions. Furthermore, the federal government is considering expanding “mitigation” measures to regulate all traffic to U.S. ports in the Gulf, which could further disrupt national supply chains. These delays and inefficiencies in distribution could impact fuel for jets and basic raw materials for Gulf communities during hurricane season. Despite the expansion of the protected area being deemed unnecessary by the federal government earlier this year, the administration has proceeded with these new restrictions. Critics argue that these restrictions are not only unnecessary but also lack transparency and exclude the voices of educated stakeholders and experts. The Biden administration should instead collaborate with Congress to make smarter environmental choices while encouraging domestic energy production. This regulatory agenda has dire consequences not only for the energy sector but for the entire Gulf economy. It is possible to be both environmentally responsible and protect American jobs and energy.

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