Senate’s Dress Code Dropped: Fox News Contributor Slams ‘Fragile’ Fetterman’s Casual Style

FOX News contributor Karl Rove had some choice words for the U.S. Senate’s decision to drop its dress code requirement in order to accommodate Democratic Senator John Fetterman’s casual style. Rove criticized Fetterman, who often sports gym shorts and hoodies, for being “fragile” and self-centered. He argued that allowing Fetterman to dress casually while others must adhere to the formal dress code diminishes the decorum of the Senate. Rove expressed his disbelief that Fetterman couldn’t handle wearing a coat and tie like every other male senator, calling it “pathetic.” He also criticized the Senate majority’s leadership for appeasing Fetterman and treating him as a special case. Many GOP lawmakers, including Congressman Ryan Zinke and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, also voiced their disapproval of the decision on social media. Fetterman responded to the criticism by taking a swipe at House Republicans. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a potential presidential contender, joined in the criticism, stating that the Senate should be raising standards instead of lowering them. Fetterman responded by saying, “I dress like he campaigns.”

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