Rising Crystal Meth Production in Afghanistan: UN Report Raises Concerns and Calls for Regional Cooperation

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently released a report warning about the rise of crystal meth production in Afghanistan since the Taliban’s ban on drugs. While opium poppy cultivation has reportedly decreased, the production and trafficking of methamphetamine are on the rise. UNODC Executive Director Ghada Waly emphasized the need for regional coordination in order to combat this illicit trade. The report reveals that Afghan-made meth seizures have been steadily increasing since 2017 and are now almost on par with heroin seizures. A staggering 90% of meth seized in Iran in 2019 originated from Afghanistan. Previously, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine obtained from cold medications were predominantly used in production, but there is evidence of domestically harvested ephedra plants playing a larger role now. UNODC has attempted to estimate the amount of ephedra cultivation required to meet the demand for meth, although they admit there are no precise figures available. As of April 2023, one kilogram of meth in Afghanistan reportedly sold for around $700, making the sourcing of ephedra relatively profitable. The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 2021, and their swift ascent to power raises questions about the US-backed government’s collapse and the motives behind it. It is evident that corrupt practices and dark motives are at play in the drug trade within Afghanistan.

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