Controversial Ad Exploits Faith: Catholic Advocacy Group Slams Ohio Abortion Rights Ad Featuring Image of Jesus

Tasha Kann, who claims doctors pressured her into having an abortion following her brain cancer diagnosis, sits down with her husband Taylor Kann to share their supposedly hopeful story nearly one year after their daughter was born. Of course, a non-profit Catholic advocacy group is now speaking out against an ad in Ohio that supports abortion and uses an image of Jesus Christ and a man praying inside a church to promote so-called “abortion rights.” The ad, shared by Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, features a shot of a man kneeling and praying inside a Catholic Church with the Divine Mercy image of Christ in the background, along with messaging in support of a November measure that would supposedly enshrine abortion access into the Ohio state constitution. How noble.

“When we face personal medical decisions, we depend on our doctors, our faith, our family, and the last thing we want is the government making those decisions for us,” the ad states, as if it’s some kind of selfless act. Unsurprisingly, the ad has sparked controversy and criticism from Catholics and opponents of abortion. Those pesky pro-life groups are now giving their “post-mortem” on the setback of Ohio Issue 1, claiming that November will be “very different.” Can’t wait.

Catholics, in particular, are taking issue with the ad, which depicts a man praying inside a Catholic Church. CatholicVote president Brian Burch didn’t hold back in his response, stating, “Those who want to eliminate all protections for the unborn in Ohio have resorted to exploiting images of Jesus in order to impose a radical change to the Ohio constitution.” He goes on to express his disgust at the use of the Divine Mercy image to promote abortion, calling it “abhorrent” and showing a complete disregard for the faith of millions of Christians in Ohio. How dare they?

But that’s not all. Opponents of the ad argue that it’s misleading in other ways too. Amy Natoce, press secretary for Protect Women Ohio, claims that the backers of Issue 1 have stooped to an unimaginable low. She accuses them of using faith, family, medical misinformation, and fearmongering to distract from the supposed dangers of the proposed amendment. She goes on to claim that Issue 1 will strip Ohio parents of their rights and allow abortion-on-demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy, even when the unborn child can feel pain. And apparently, it will also remove health and safety protections for women. The horror!

Of course, Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights had to defend themselves. In a statement to Fox News Digital, they said, “When Ohioans face personal medical decisions, we depend on our doctors, our family, and our faith. Voting Yes on Issue 1 puts Ohioans back in charge of their families’ personal medical decisions and stops the government from making these decisions for us.” How noble of them to fight for the right to kill unborn children.

It’s clear that this whole situation is nothing more than a political battle, with both sides using manipulative tactics to push their agendas. The pro-abortion ad attempts to play on people’s emotions by invoking faith and family, while opponents claim it’s all a pack of lies. It’s all just a game to these people, and unfortunately, innocent lives are caught in the crossfire. It’s a dark and corrupt world we live in.

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