President Biden Celebrates ‘Justice’ in Hassan Nasrallah’s Death

The White House has released a statement regarding the recent events in the Middle East involving Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah. In the statement, President Biden called Nasrallah’s death “justice” for the hundreds of Americans who perished over what the US labeled as a “four-decade reign of terror.” The White House also noted that the Pentagon has been ordered to enhance America’s defense posture and readiness in the Middle East.

President Biden further emphasized that the United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, with Defense Secretary Austin being tasked to increase US forces in the Middle East to deter aggression from Iran and its proxies. This move aims to reduce the danger of a wider regional war.

The assassination of Nasrallah has reportedly put more distance between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with some publications suggesting that the administration was trying to convince Israel to pause its operations against Hezbollah prior to the event. However, it seems that the initial reaction from within the White House was positive.

Russia’s response has been more critical, with the foreign ministry stating that the forceful action taken by Israel is fraught with even greater dramatic consequences for Lebanon and the entire Middle East. The Russian statement also pointed out that the Israeli side could not fail to recognize this danger but took the step of killing Lebanese citizens, which would almost inevitably provoke a new outburst of violence.

In response to Nasrallah’s death, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has declared five days of public mourning for Hassan Nasrallah and his martyred companions. Hezbollah has also issued a statement confirming the passing of their leader, vowing to continue its jihad in confronting Israel and supporting Gaza and Palestine, as well as defending Lebanon and its people.

The Israel Defense Forces issued a statement claiming that Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world following his death during Friday’s Israeli airstrikes on the Dahieh suburb of Beirut. The attack was reportedly monitored by Prime Minister Netanyahu, who ordered or monitored it from New York after delivering a speech before the United Nations General Assembly.

In response to these events, an emergency meeting in Tehran was held among Iranian security officials, during which Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was transferred to a secure location inside the country with heightened security measures in place. American-supplied heavy bombs were likely used in the strikes that killed Nasrallah and other top Hezbollah commanders.

Nasrallah has been a significant figure in Middle Eastern politics and conflict for decades, having founded Hezbollah in 1982 and transforming it into a powerful guerrilla warfare group that has become Israel’s primary regional foe alongside Hamas. Following Nasrallah’s death, Hamas published condolences, asserting that Hezbollah has a whole line-up of leaders waiting to take up the mantle of war against Israel.

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