Block Party Vengeance: Audi Covered in Saran Wrap and Condiments for Ignoring ‘No Parking Saturday’ Signs

Last weekend in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, a driver learned a lesson that many New Yorkers are already well-acquainted with: If it’s block party day, you’ve got to move your car. A silver Audi with New Mexico plates was discovered covered in Saran Wrap after the annual Hausman Street block party on September 7th. The car had “No Parking Saturday” signs affixed to both its front and back windshields, while red Solo cups, silly string, and bits of food were scattered around it.

The vehicle was not only wrapped in plastic but also covered in condiments like ketchup and mustard. A series of stickers featuring an unknown mustachioed man’s face could be seen all over the car. Grew up on that street, and the block party is a long-standing tradition,” one Reddit user commented on the photos, adding that anyone unwilling to participate in the tradition should ensure their vehicle is moved beforehand.

The majority of the comments on the images suggested that the incident was likely orchestrated by local children seeking retribution for the driver’s failure to move their car out of the way. The Post attempted to locate the owner of the car but was unsuccessful in their efforts. One commenter even joked that the car owner would “never come back to New York City” following this incident.

Although many found these images amusing, some people expressed concerns about the mess left behind after such a prank. It’s all fun and games until the real owner is sick, disabled, or a senior,” one Redditor wrote, highlighting potential consequences of such actions on individuals who may not be able to easily move their cars. The block party tradition appears to have taken an unexpected turn in this case, with residents taking matters into their own hands when it comes to enforcing parking restrictions during community events.

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