Decades of Breathing Issues Ended by Unbelievable Lego Discovery

An Arizona resident has recently discovered a long-lost Lego piece lodged in their nostril for nearly 30 years, bringing an end to decades of breathing issues and a recent diagnosis of Obstructive sleep apnea. Norton Havoc, a 32-year-old who uses they/them pronouns, shared the surprising story on Instagram earlier this month.

For many years, Havoc had experienced multiple respiratory problems, including asthma, and was also recently diagnosed with Obstructive sleep apnea. In a September 1 video captioned “Lego stuck in my nose for nearly 3 decades finally comes out? I CAN SMELL COLORS NOW,” they recounted the bizarre ordeal that began 26 years ago when they placed the Lego dot up their nose while playing with construction toys.

At the time, Havoc attempted to remove the toy using another Lego man, thinking that the two pieces could somehow work together in a rescue mission. However, this plan backfired and resulted in the Lego head also getting stuck. Norton’s mother then used tweezers to attempt extraction, but unbeknownst to both of them, the Lego dot remained lodged in Havoc’s nostril.

Over the past six months, Havoc had been blowing their nose in the shower as per their doctor’s advice due to the arid conditions where they live in Arizona. During one such shower recently, the Lego dot finally shot out.

Today, I was blowing my nose in the shower, and lo and behold, I blew out a Lego dot that has been in my nose for at least 26 years,” Havoc said in the video. And I don’t know what to think of this.

Since removing the toy from their nostril, Havoc has experienced a newfound sense of freedom and relief when it comes to breathing. I can breathe out of this side of my nose now, and it’s fantastic,” Havoc said in the video. I haven’t been able to do that since I was a child.

In the closing moments of the video, Havoc held up the newly-freed toy in a Ziploc bag and commented on their shock over the discovery: “I am shooken.” They also mentioned plans to take the toy to the doctor and discuss the incident.

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