Healing Hands: The Remarkable Journey of the ‘9/11 First Responder Bible

The small Bible with deep roots in the September 11th terror attacks has been crisscrossing America for two decades, uniting strangers both in grief and hope. Dennis McKenna, then an Immigration and Naturalization Service officer, found the Bible at Ground Zero in 2001 when a police chaplain from California handed it to him during his search for survivors among the rubble. Dubbed the “9/11 First Responder Bible,” this well-worn holy book has been used at funerals of victims of various American tragedies, including those of Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colorado.

McKenna’s connection with the Bible began when a man in black jacket and white helmet appeared beside him during his search for survivors at Ground Zero. The stranger comforted McKenna, who was crying at that moment, and presented him with the Bible as a source of strength and healing. This act of kindness had such a profound impact on McKenna that he carried the Bible inside his vest for almost a decade after that fateful day in 2001.

The Bible’s journey took a new turn when McKenna decided to lend it out temporarily, starting with victims and families affected by the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting in 2012. As he felt helpless witnessing the tragedy unfold, he believed that the Bible could provide spiritual comfort to those who needed it most.

Since then, the Bible has been used at the funerals of eight children killed in Sandy Hook and four teen boys murdered in Pennsylvania in 2017. It was also blessed by Pope Francis during a visit to Madison Square Garden in 2015. The Bible’s spiritual power has not only brought solace but also connected people who have reached out for help through word of mouth or direct contact with McKenna.

The Bible’s impact extends beyond its spiritual significance; it contains testimonies from surviving families and their contact information, allowing others to seek comfort and support. Over the past 23 years, this small Bible has been passed around among victims of shootings in Boulder, Colorado, Las Vegas, Nevada, and most recently, was sent to the family of Corey Comperatore, a former fire chief who was fatally shot during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in July.

McKenna holds his breath each time he sends the Bible out, as it cannot be replaced. However, he knows that people need its presence and energy to cope with their unbearable grief and loss. As a result, McKenna continues to serve as a bridge between those affected by catastrophes and the healing power of this unique Bible.

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