Kansas City Tragedy: Chiefs Fans Found Dead Amidst Investigation

Three Kansas City Chiefs fans were found dead in their friend’s snowy backyard nine months ago, sparking a lengthy investigation that may finally lead to criminal charges. However, the homeowner’s attorney believes that his client will not be facing any charges related to the deaths of Clayton McGeeney, Ricky Johnson, and David Harrington.

The three friends were last seen alive on January 7 when they went to Jordan Willis’ house to watch a Kansas City Chiefs game against the Los Angeles Chargers. In the following days, their families searched for them but were unable to reach Willis by phone or at his home. Preliminary autopsy results showed traces of fentanyl, cocaine, and marijuana in their systems, leading some to believe that the men died from an overdose.

Despite this, family members have maintained that Willis was involved in their deaths, with some threatening to file civil lawsuits against him. On Tuesday, Willis’ attorney John Picerno told Fox News Digital that charges would be forthcoming within the next few weeks based on internal conversations with prosecutors. He also stated with confidence that his client would not be charged with any involvement in the untimely death of his friends.

If criminal charges are filed, they may involve a felony murder charge if someone provided the young men with drugs leading to their deaths. A fifth man was present at Willis’ house on January 7 but told Fox 4 that he left while the others were still watching the game and denied being the last person to see them alive.

The lengthy investigation into the case has been deemed unusual by Picerno, who noted that his client voluntarily handed over all electronic devices and DNA samples early on in the process. As for potential civil charges against Jordan Willis, Picerno stated that he has been contacted by attorneys representing the men’s families, with a statute of limitations of five years in Missouri for such cases.

Willis moved out of his Kansas City home after the incident and enrolled in a rehabilitation program to cope with the loss of his friends and the accusations against him. A source close to the Willis family told Fox News Digital that the 39-year-old Ph.D. holder and research scientist “still struggles with the aftermath of all of this.

As the investigation continues, it remains unclear who will face criminal charges in connection with the deaths of these three Kansas City Chiefs fans found dead in their friend’s snowy backyard nine months ago.

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