Title: “School Shooting Warning Ignored: Mother’s Desperate Call Unheeded

The mother of Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray revealed that teachers had noticed her son making references to violence at the school prior to her warning call to administrators about his behavior. In an emotional video interview with ABC News, Marcee Gray shared her experience and concerns for her son’s well-being leading up to the tragic event.

The counselor said ‘I wanted to let you know that earlier this morning one of Colt’s teachers had sent me an email saying Colt had been making references to school shootings,'” recounted Marcee Gray during her interview with ABC News from her home. She further explained the chain of events that led to her alarm, stating “Between my gut feelings, the text messages, and now this email, you need to, like, run to the classroom.

According to authorities, Colt Gray opened fire approximately 30 minutes after his mother’s phone call to warn school officials about her concerns. Despite the warnings from Marcee Gray, it was reported that the school resources officers were unable to locate Gray and instead stopped a different student in their attempt to track down the shooter.

During the emotional interview with ABC News, Gray expressed remorse for the lives lost as a result of her son’s actions, stating “If I could take their place, I would. I would in a heartbeat.” The Georgia school shooting left two students and two teachers dead, resulting in an overwhelming sense of grief and loss for the community.

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