Parkland Tragedy Erupts Into Legal Battle: Competing Settlements Stir Tensions Between Survivors & Families

A legal battle has erupted between survivors of the 2018 Parkland school massacre and families of victims, leading to heated courtroom exchanges over competing lawsuit settlements with the shooter. The rift began during negotiations for a $25 million settlement with Broward County schools, where the families demanded Anthony Borges, the most seriously wounded survivor, receive $1 less than them as an acknowledgment of their greater loss. This resulted in his exclusion from further settlement discussions.

Borges and his parents later reached a June agreement with the shooter, Nikolas Cruz, which granted them rights to Cruz’s name and image, approval over any interviews he might do, and a $400,000 annuity left to Cruz by his deceased mother. However, attorneys for other victims quickly countered with their own $190 million settlement with Cruz.

The conflict deepened as Borges’ attorney, Alex Arreaza, accused the opposing counsel of lying and insulting the Borges family. The lead attorney for the Pollack, Hoyer, and Petty families, as well as survivor Maddy Wilford, also expressed frustration with the animosity between the parties, urging them to focus on the immense tragedy they all experienced.

Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips stepped in multiple times during a 90-minute court session, attempting to mediate the heated exchange and accusations of dishonesty. The judge is expected to rule later on who owns Cruz’s publicity rights and urged the parties to negotiate a settlement over the annuity to avoid further court hearings.

The ongoing legal battle highlights the emotional toll taken on survivors and victims’ families as they navigate competing interests and lawsuits in the wake of tragedy.

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