Kamala Harris’ Troubled History with Police Relations: From Supporting Diversion Programs to Defunding the Police

Vice President Kamala Harris has been criticized in recent years for her stance on law enforcement, with some accusing her of coddling criminals who attack police officers. As District Attorney of San Francisco between 2004 and 2010, she reportedly supported pre-trial diversion initiatives for those who assaulted law enforcement officials. Harris’ plans were allegedly derailed by then-San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi, who staged a formal protest outside police headquarters.

Harris had initially pledged to get tough on violent criminals and hold them accountable during her time as District Attorney. However, she later agreed to allow misdemeanor assault on police officers to qualify for pre-trial diversion, which could include counseling or other services instead of jail time.

The San Francisco Police Officer’s Association issued a formal protest letter against this policy, arguing that it undermined the authority and safety of law enforcement personnel. Despite these concerns, Harris continued her support for defunding the police throughout her career, including backing Mayor Eric Garcetti’s plan to cut $150 million in police funding in Los Angeles. She has drawn parallels between policing practices and historical acts of violence like lynching and Jim Crow laws.

Harris’ stance on law enforcement has been a point of contention for many, with some feeling that she has betrayed the very people sworn to protect society. Despite numerous attempts by The Post to obtain a comment from her representatives, no response has been provided at this time.

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