Rising Republicans Target Suburban California

California’s Suburbs: A New Battleground for Republicans.

In the suburbs of sunny Southern California, Republicans are making a bold bet that voters in these traditionally Democratic areas have had enough of business as usual from the Democrats. Leading this charge are Scott Baugh and Matt Gunderson, who are both running for office in Orange County – an area currently listed as “purple” on political maps. They’re hoping to attract moderate voters by focusing on issues like California’s rampant retail crime, inflation, and the border.

The National Republican Congressional Committee has recognized their potential, branding both Baugh and Gunderson as “Young Guns” and planning to invest in their races. Both districts are considered competitive by the Cook Political Report – with Baugh’s race listed as “Lean Democrat” and Gunderson’s race listed as “Likely Democrat.

Speaking to The Post, former state representative Scott Baugh emphasized his belief that California can regain its status as a land of opportunity, dreams, and prosperity. He’s running for an open seat in the 47th Congressional District against Democratic State Sen. Dave Min, who is seeking to fill the seat left vacant by Rep. Katie Porter during her unsuccessful bid for the US Senate. Baugh narrowly lost to Porter in 2022 but believes this race will be different due to closer party registration numbers and fundraising figures than last time.

Matt Gunderson, who has founded three luxury car dealerships, is challenging two-term Democratic Rep. Mike Levin. His strategy involves taking one of the Democrats’ key issues off the table by declaring himself a pro-choice Republican. This move allows him to shift focus towards addressing inflation and the cost of living, securing the border, public safety, education, and parents’ rights – all major concerns for residents in these suburban districts.

Baugh and Gunderson both emphasize the importance of securing the border first before discussing comprehensive immigration reform. They believe executive actions can help fix issues surrounding illegal immigration while a legislative solution is being worked on. On crime, they highlight how high-end shopping centers in their districts are being impacted by smash-and-grab robberies, which they attribute to open borders and a lack of enforcement against criminal activities.

Even though California’s political landscape has shifted since the days of Governor Ronald Reagan, many Republicans still hold onto hope that one day, the pendulum could swing back towards their side. As Gunderson puts it, “If you think the pendulum has swung too far to the left, here’s an opportunity to jump on that pendulum and help swing it back to the center or the center-right.

While Democrats remain confident in retaining these seats, it’s clear that California’s suburbs are becoming a new battleground for Republicans looking to make their mark and shift the political balance in the state.

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