Illustrative Math Turmoil: Curriculum Backlash Amid Dipping Scores

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) is facing criticism over the adoption of the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for Algebra 1 teachers in the upcoming school year. Last year, 265 schools piloted this new curriculum as part of Chancellor David Banks’ efforts to improve the city’s math scores. However, teachers have expressed frustration with the rigid and scripted lessons that are part of Illustrative Mathematics, which requires students to work in groups without much instruction. Gifted students may be able to adapt, but others who lack prerequisite skills can become frustrated.

Some data suggests that the new curriculum has had a negative impact on student performance. In more than 25 Bronx schools, including some that used Illustrative Math, average exam scores dropped from 61 last year to 56.5 this year. Similarly, in one Queens district that used the curriculum, Regents scores decreased in all but two of its 25 schools when compared to the previous year’s results.

The Illustrative Mathematics curriculum is a key component of the NYC Solves initiative, which is expected to cost $34 million over five years and includes professional training for teachers. Despite this investment, some educators believe that the curriculum will not be successful in improving student performance, as it assumes students have already mastered basic skills required to solve equations.

Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks have announced that all 420 New York City high schools must adopt the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum this fall, with the exception of six top-tier specialized schools. The DOE has claimed that the curriculum has been endorsed by EdReports, a respected think tank funded by multiple philanthropies, including the Gates Foundation. However, EdReports disputes this statement and notes that it does not endorse or recommend any curricula.

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