112-Year-Old Wonder Woman Celebrates Life’s Memories with Homemade Pasta

Louise Jean Signore, New York’s oldest person at 112 years old, celebrated her birthday recently with a homemade pasta dish from her nephew, accompanied by cake and visits from friends. Born in 1912, she has experienced numerous historical events, including the Great Depression and the sinking of the Titanic. Signore’s longevity can be attributed to staying single, never smoking or drinking alcohol, maintaining an active lifestyle, a strict daily routine, and listening to her body.

Signore was born in Harlem as the eldest of five siblings, moving to The Bronx at age 12 with her family of Italian immigrants. She attended Richmond High School and enjoyed ballroom dancing and swimming. All of her siblings have since passed away, making Signore the last remaining sibling. According to longeviquest.com, she is listed as New York’s oldest resident and America’s eighth oldest person.

In June 2022, Signore fell and broke her hip but recovered well after undergoing surgery, a first for her at the age of 112. She maintains a healthy diet that primarily consists of Italian food and has light breakfasts in the morning. In her free time, she enjoys watching TV sitcoms like “The Jeffersons” and going outside to observe neighborhood children playing ball.

Louise Jean Signore’s secret to longevity is staying single, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol, maintaining an active lifestyle, adhering to a strict daily routine, and listening to her body. Born in 1912, she has experienced significant historical events and now lives a simple life, enjoying TV sitcoms and observing children play ball outside.

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