Bullies Unleashed: Tragic Pit Bull Mix Attack in Brooklyn Park

Tragedy struck in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota last week when a 3-year-old boy named Covil Allen was viciously attacked by two pit bull mix dogs while he and his mother were visiting a home where the dogs were being sold. The boy’s mother, Natasha Palacios Vega, was also bitten during the incident. Bystanders desperate to save Covil used hammers and pick axes to try and fight off the aggressive dogs.

First responders rushed the young boy to the hospital with severe injuries, but his heartbroken family now believes that he is not expected to survive. His parents have decided to honor their son’s life by preparing him for organ donation in order to save other children’s lives and spare others the immense pain they are currently experiencing.

The two dogs involved in the attack, Blue and Nisi, were XL variety American bullies—a mixed breed of American bulldogs and pit bulls that are banned in the UK, according to Police Inspector Elliot Faust. Faust emphasized that dog attacks are a serious issue in the community, with more potentially dangerous dogs being reported this year than last.

Covil’s mother, Natasha Palacios Vega, has already undergone two surgeries and will require additional surgery and a skin graft for her recovery. The police are still gathering evidence to determine whether charges should be filed against the owners of the dogs, who have not yet been identified.

This tragic incident is the second dog attack in Brooklyn Park this week. On Tuesday, a 7-year-old girl was attacked but fortunately only suffered superficial injuries. In that case, police were forced to shoot and kill the dog when it went after another boy.

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