Trump & Harris Neck-and-Neck in Four Swing States: The Battle Intensifies

Former President Donald Trump, aged 78, and current Vice President Kamala Harris, aged 59, are currently neck-and-neck in two swing states while being separated by small margins in two others, according to a recent poll conducted by Fox News. The survey was released on Friday and includes over 1000 registered voters from each of the four battleground states: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

In the state of Wisconsin, Trump has a slim 1% lead over Harris with 50% support compared to her 49. This lead is in stark contrast to the situation in deep-blue Minnesota where Harris leads by 6 percentage points (52%-46%) – a state that has rarely gone for Republican presidential candidates since it was won by Richard Nixon over George McGovern in the 1972 election.

The survey also found that Trump and Harris are currently tied in Michigan and Pennsylvania, with both candidates receiving 49% support from the voters polled. The results of this recent poll were conducted after President Joe Biden announced he would not be running for re-election in 2024, thus endorsing Kamala Harris as his replacement.

When it comes to the issues that matter most to voters in these four states, the economy was ranked number one, followed by immigration and abortion. In terms of voter preferences based on their top concerns, Trump received more support among those prioritizing the economy and immigration, while Kamala Harris picked up more support from those who said abortion was their primary issue.

The poll also revealed that in a head-to-head matchup between Trump and Harris, the former president performed as well or better than he did during his 2020 campaign, with vice president’s support surpassing what Biden received in April of the same year within these four swing states.

However, when third-party candidates were included in the poll, Trump gained a lead of two points over Harris in Michigan (45% to 43. In Pennsylvania, it was Harris who pulled ahead by two points (45% to 43%), while the two candidates remained tied in Wisconsin at 46% each. Lastly, Kamala Harris continued to lead in Minnesota with a margin of six points (47% to 41.

It is worth noting that all four states went for Joe Biden during the 2020 election, while Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania during his successful bid for the presidency in 2016. Following mounting concerns over his ability to defeat Trump in November’s upcoming elections, President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would not be running for re-election in 2024, endorsing Kamala Harris as his replacement.

In summary, the current political landscape presents a close competition between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, with both candidates neck-and-neck in two swing states and separated by small margins in the other two. With Joe Biden stepping out of the race for re-election, the battle for the presidency in 2024 continues to intensify, drawing attention to key issues such as the economy, immigration, and abortion.

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