Unprecedented: Russian & Chinese Bombers Fly Near US Airspace in Joint Patrols

The occurrence of Russian bombers appearing in the skies off Alaska is a regular event, prompting US military interception and monitoring at least once every few months. However, the recent presence of Russian and Chinese military aircraft together near US airspace was considered highly unusual and alarming. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) reported that it had intercepted two Russian TU-95 Bear bombers and two Chinese H-6 bombers in Alaska’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ.

This marks the first time ever that H-6 bombers entered the Alaska ADIZ, according to military officials. NORAD immediately scrambled US F-16 and F-35 fighter jets alongside Canadian CF-18 fighter jets to intercept and monitor the incoming foreign aircraft. Although these aircraft were not seen as a threat in the end, their joint presence near US airspace caused concern among military officials.

Both the Russian and Chinese governments confirmed that they had conducted “joint strategic aerial patrols” in the relevant airspace of the Bering Sea as part of an existing annual cooperation plan between the two militaries. NORAD has stated that Russian bomber flights near Alaska occur “regularly,” but this is not the case for joint patrols involving China, which are much rarer.

Some Republicans have pointed out that the combined flyby occurred shortly after President Joe Biden projected a weak image in his awkward Oval Office televised speech yesterday. While Chinese officials emphasized that their increasing operations with Russia are not aimed at third parties and are aligned with international laws and practices, concerns remain about the potential implications of such joint patrols.

Starting months ago, the head of US Northern Command, Gen. Gregory Guillot, began warning that China has been observed farther north into the Arctic with its long-range patrols. He said in March that he expects to see Chinese aircraft there “as soon as this year potentially.

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