12th Century Crusader Altar Unearthed at Church of Holy Sepulchre

A remarkable discovery by archaeologists has unearthed a long-lost Crusader altar dating back to the 12th century at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Christianity. The altar, believed to have been consecrated in 1149 and vanished following a fire that destroyed part of the church centuries ago, was discovered when construction workers removed a massive stone slab leaning against a wall within the church.

The stone slab had been overlooked for years, despite being situated in a publicly accessible corridor at the rear of the church. The side facing the public was covered in graffiti, while its other side bore magnificent decorations and was identified as the front panel of the Crusader altar. Historians at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences believe that the Crusaders may have commissioned the marble altar to honor the holiest church in Christianity and support their claim to Jerusalem, which they had conquered in 1099.

The unique ornamentation on the altar is in a style known as Cosmatesque, named after the Cosmati family of Rome who passed down their stoneworking skills through several generations. This distinctive art form involved piecing together small, recycled marble pieces from other ancient buildings to create intricate geometric patterns. The only other example of Cosmatesque art outside of Italy is located in Westminster Abbey, where an artist sent by the pope created a piece.

The Crusader altar, at over 11 feet in length, is the largest known medieval altar to date. Historians hope that further research will reveal which Cosmatesque master was responsible for crafting the stunning work of art. The discovery raises questions as to how such an important relic could have remained hidden from researchers’ eyes within one of the most extensively studied buildings in Christianity.

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