Elon Musk Clarifies PAC Contributions, Supports ‘Make America Greater

Elon Musk recently dismissed reports that he planned on donating $45 million per month to a political group supporting former President Donald Trump. The Tesla CEO, who has endorsed Trump, told conservative commentator Jordan B. Peterson that the media had misrepresented his intentions. In fact, in a tweet, Musk clarified that he was making donations to America PAC but at a much lower level and emphasized that the key values of the PAC are supporting a meritocracy and individual freedom.

Musk, who helped create the super PAC which can raise unlimited funds for independent expenditures, explained that it is not meant to be a hyper-partisan PAC but rather focused on promoting the core principles that made America great in the first place. He stated that he wouldn’t consider himself “MAGA” or “Make America Great Again” and instead prefers “M-A-G,” referring to “Make America Greater.

The group, created in Austin, Texas where Tesla’s headquarters are located, is focused on rallying support for Trump in swing states to counter Democrats’ efforts in those crucial states. The PAC has spent $21 million on independent expenditures, mostly focused on voter turnout, according to the New York Times.

Musk also said that he doesn’t think the GOP is flawless and doesn’t subscribe “to a cult of personality.” However, he commended Trump for displaying “true courage” after he got shot at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this month, and stressed that Republicans are the better choice over Democrats this November.

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