Biden Bows Out: Endorsing Kamala Harris for 2024 Presidential Run

Joe Biden announced today that he would not be running for president in 2024, and instead, endorsed Kamala Harris as his successor. This decision comes after a period of intense pressure from various sources, including the Democratic party, deep state operatives, major donors, and even former President Bill Clinton.

Biden’s withdrawal from the race was anticipated due to polling showing that 60% of Americans believed he should drop out. In addition, NBC News reported that over four dozen former foreign and national security officials called on him to step down.

With Biden out of the running, attention now turns to who will be chosen as the Democratic nominee for president in 2024. While Kamala Harris is currently the presumptive nominee, she still needs to secure support from party delegates before officially becoming the nominee.

Meanwhile, some are speculating about what former First Lady Michelle Obama might do now that Biden has dropped out of the race. Though she has consistently denied any interest in running for office herself, there is no doubt that many Democrats would love to see her step up as a potential candidate.

As for Jill Biden, it remains unclear what role she will play in supporting Kamala Harris or whether she will continue to be involved in politics going forward.

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