Baby Jane: A Heartwarming Sign Language Journey

A 6-month-old baby named Jane McCullough has captured the attention of millions on social media after her mother posted a TikTok video showing her signing with her deaf grandparents. The footage, which has received over 10 million views, demonstrates the youngster’s ability to understand and use sign language in order to communicate with her grandma and grandpa.

In the caption of the video, Jane’s mother Mara McCullough wrote, “Notice as she waits for her turn to sign back.” She went on to express her pride in her daughter’s efforts, saying, “She’s trying to communicate.

Mara shared more about her baby girl’s journey with WJXT-TV. According to the Florida mother, Jane is showing signs that she is learning to understand and use sign language. The infant’s grandmother uses sign language to engage the baby in conversation, asking questions like “You love talking to grandpa,” to which Jane replies with energetic hand motions that indicate a positive response.

The baby is not yet forming correct signs; however, Mara believes this milestone will be reached within the next few months as Jane continues to develop her understanding of sign language. Living under the same roof as her grandparents, who are also deaf, provides Jane with ample opportunities to practice and absorb the nuances of this form of communication.

Sign language expert Karen Lewis-Hannah told WJGT-TV that children are like sponges when it comes to learning new languages. This means that introducing sign language to babies at a young age can be highly beneficial in helping them develop strong communication skills and understanding of the world around them.

Mara McCullough shared her thoughts on the video with “Good Morning America,” stating that it was “really eye-opening for people to see that babies are able to grasp language and that they’re so intelligent.” She added, “I think a lot of people already knew that babies can use sign language before they speak, but I think to see her babbling in sign language took things to a new level for a lot of people.

The heartwarming bond between Jane McCullough and her deaf grandparents is an inspiring example of the power of communication and the importance of inclusivity in fostering strong relationships. As the baby continues to grow and learn, it will be fascinating to see how sign language plays a role in shaping her understanding of the world and her ability to connect with others who may not speak the same language as she does.

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