Family Corruption Crisis: Nadine Menendez’s Legal Dilemma Amid Bob’s Conviction and Health Struggles

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s shocking corruption conviction could motivate his ailing wife, Nadine, to seek a plea deal with prosecutors, according to legal experts who spoke with The Post. Nadine Menendez, 57, had her trial indefinitely postponed on Tuesday due to her ongoing battle with breast cancer, just hours before the Garden State Democrat was found guilty on all 16 counts related to accepting bribes, including bars of gold.

Nadine’s trial, which involves many of the same charges as Bob’s case, has been put on hold since it was revealed by her husband that she is suffering from “grade 3 breast cancer” and requires a mastectomy. Former prosecutor Duncan Levin stated that Bob’s conviction “could potentially prompt [Nadine] to consider a plea deal because it would provide a more manageable solution for her given her health condition.

John Pavia, a professor at Quinnipiac University School of Law, agreed that the recent developments increase the likelihood of Nadine accepting a plea deal. He explained that with an empowered prosecutor who has already had some success in their case theory, Nadine and her team may feel more pressured to make a deal. However, both Pavia and Levin acknowledged that one advantage for Nadine’s side is the opportunity they have had to observe the prosecution’s strategy and evidence since Bob’s trial concluded first.

Former Manhattan federal prosecutor Michael Bachner suggested that given Nadine’s health issues, the federal government may be more inclined to agree to a plea deal with little or no prison time. He explained that while Judge Stein can still sentence Nadine as he sees fit, an agreement between the defense and the prosecution holds significant weight in the outcome of the case.

Sources also indicated to The Post that Nadine might be more receptive to taking a plea deal due to her mounting legal bills. In June, Nadine’s lawyer informed Manhattan federal Judge Sidney Stein that she was experiencing “intense, chronic pain” following surgery where medical equipment had been implanted in her body, according to court documents.

Judge Stein ruled on Tuesday morning that “the ends of justice” would be best served by continuing to delay Nadine’s trial. Nadine’s legal team declined to comment on the case. Sen. Bob Menendez faces decades in prison when Judge Stein delivers his sentence on October 29th, though sources tell NBC News that he plans to resign from the Senate seat he has held since 2006.

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