Shoplifting Surge Hits Vintage Market: Framed by Swirls, Thieves Suffer Artistic Justice

A Brooklyn-based vintage market has been a victim of theft numerous times since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Little Brooklyn Market, situated in Williamsburg, experienced an upsurge in post-pandemic petty crime, with roughly four to six shoplifters targeting the store every month.

To combat this issue and deter potential thieves, workers at the market displayed surveillance photos of 16 alleged offenders in a creative collage framed by a door adorned with vibrant swirls. The display has been successful in discouraging repeat offenders, as those who have found themselves on the wall rarely return to the store.

According to Jacqueline Ryu, co-owner of the market and a 40-year-old Brooklyn native, the increase in shoplifting coincided with the arrival of COVID-19. She speculated that individuals felt more comfortable committing crimes while wearing masks during this time. The market is equipped with six surveillance cameras, which have captured various theft incidents, including one instance where a man appeared to be teaching a teenager how to steal.

The total estimated losses due to shoplifting in New York State reached $4.4 billion in 2022, according to Governor Kathy Hochul. In the Little Brooklyn Market alone, losses since the pandemic have been in the five-figure range. Pilferers often target rings because they are easily concealed, but recently, a man was caught on camera stealing sunglasses with a teenage friend watching.

Despite having evidence of theft, store employees are hesitant to confront potential shoplifters without solid proof, as this may lead to false accusations and create an unpleasant situation for both parties involved. The market has struggled to maintain sales during the pandemic, while still having to pay rent for their two locations in Williamsburg and Greenpoint.

Despite the challenges posed by increased theft, The Little Brooklyn Market continues to offer a unique shopping experience with vintage clothing, art, and a tattoo studio. They remain hopeful that their creative approach to deterring criminals will help them weather this difficult period.

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