Tense Call with Centrist Democrats Leaves Doubts About Biden’s Fitness for Command

President Joe Biden recently held a video conference call with a group of centrist Democrats from the New Democrat Coalition, a gathering aimed at discussing his candidacy and his fitness to serve as the nation’s commander-in-chief. In an unexpected turn of events, the president challenged the attendees to ask “hard questions” about his performance, only to react poorly when a member expressed concerns about his ability to lead effectively amidst growing doubts about his mental fortitude.

This Saturday meeting, attended by approximately 100 centrist Democrats, was characterized by New Hampshire Rep. Anne McLane Kuster as “candid, respectful and productive.” However, unnamed representatives who spoke with various news outlets offered a more critical assessment of the call, which lasted around 30 minutes in the late afternoon. One House representative described it as “a complete disaster” and likened it to the debates that have raised questions about Biden’s ability to handle tough questions.

The situation took a tense turn when Colorado Rep. Jason Crow questioned whether voters would feel confident about having Biden at the helm during times of national security crises, eliciting an angry response from the president. According to The Hill’s source, “Biden ripped him…the exchange was hard to watch.” Politico reports that three sources present during the call said Biden raised his voice and yelled “I don’t want to hear that crap!” before forcefully highlighting his foreign policy record, including the expansion of NATO.

Despite being met with resistance from Crow, a former Army Ranger, who pointed out that these accomplishments were not convincing voters with doubts about Biden’s ability to serve another term, the president showed no signs of backing down or attempting to reassure his audience. Instead, he continued with his rambling answers and seemed unprepared to address concerns raised by attendees.

One lawmaker summarized the call as follows: “He had no answer to questions about his electability. He seemed oblivious to the polling that shows him losing swing states. He didn’t want to hear it…he took no responsibility.” Biden was reportedly unable to take all of the planned questions, as he needed to leave early to attend mass near his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home.

Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley, who was queued up to ask a question but did not have the opportunity to do so, appeared visibly unhappy about being cut off. The president had a much longer and more harmonious call with progressive Democrats earlier in the day, during which Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders defended Biden in an op-ed published by The New York Times.

The recent assassination attempt on President Trump may temporarily distract from concerns about Biden’s mental fitness. However, given the growing number of insurgent forces within the Democratic ranks and the potential for additional pressure from groups like the New Democrat Coalition, it is unlikely that this issue will remain in the background for long. The possibility of a joint letter urging Biden to withdraw from the race remains on the table, with some representatives stating that their recent meeting “probably” increased the likelihood of such action being taken.

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