Kennedy Unveils ‘America Strong’ Unity Government: A New Vision for National Healing

LAS VEGAS — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer and anti-vax activist, has promised a FreedomFest audience an “America Strong” unity government aimed at ending decades of division in the country. In his speech at Caesars Forum, he pledged to appoint a cabinet comprising members from various parties, including the Democratic Party, Republican Party, Libertarian Party, and people from the Green Party and other parties outside the political process.

He also promised to convene a cross-partisan advisory committee to propose and select Supreme Court justices. In addition, he vowed to pardon or commute the sentences of those who have been politically prosecuted, such as Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht, currently serving a life sentence without parole. He also extended a “real full and unconditional pardon” to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who pleaded guilty to one felony count in a plea deal.

Kennedy promised an executive order on his first day as president declaring that any federal official who tells a lie in conjunction with their official duties will lose their job and ordered intelligence agencies to cease propagandizing the American public. He vowed to use AI and blockchain technology to make government actions and interactions transparent to the public, although he did not offer details on how this would be implemented.

Kennedy criticized both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump for their inability to unify the nation, stating that neither are prepared to do so. He emphasized the importance of truth and unity in making America strong again.

In his speech, Kennedy addressed the lack of civics education in schools as a contributing factor to the division in the country, urging the need for a generation of children who understand the importance of fighting for their constitutional rights. While some attendees were impressed by Kennedy’s speech, it seemed that few would convert to his electoral cause.

Julie Lynch from Pittsburgh, California, said she appreciated Kennedy’s speech but was still a Trump supporter and believed he leaned more towards liberal or socialist ideals than “America First” principles championed by the former president. Amanda Ishmael from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, stated that she would be voting libertarian, while William Shaw from Austin, Texas, suggested Kennedy’s message might have been miscast for a FreedomFest audience due to its Libertarian Party-adjacent character.

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