Title: Border Crisis Intensifies: Overflowing Holding Centers Amid Biden’s Crackdown Loopholes

Migrants Continue to Overwhelm Border Patrol at US’s Busiest Crossing; Holding Centers Over Capacity Despite Biden Administration Crackdown.

The busiest border crossing in the United States, San Diego, continues to experience an overwhelming influx of migrants, with holding centers exceeding their capacities despite the Biden administration’s claim that a “crackdown” on crossers is effective. Internal agency data obtained by The Post reveals that Border Patrol facilities in the San Diego region were at 150% capacity, housing more than 1,500 migrants as of Tuesday morning. These holding centers were initially designed to accommodate only 1,000 people.

Even before President Biden’s June 4 executive order aimed at limiting the ability of many migrants to claim asylum while border crossings remain high took effect, these facilities were already over capacity. However, there are significant loopholes and exemptions in this order that allow migrants to continue staying in the country.

One such loophole is present in San Diego, where crossings have remained at their lowest levels during the Biden administration. According to Manny Bayon, National Border Patrol Council President for the San Diego sector, this region has become a haven for migrants due to an order (previously reported by The Post) that directs agents to release migrants from over 100 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Migrants from these countries are more difficult to deport, as their home governments do not readily accept deportation flights. A border patrol agent in the region told The Post that many of the migrants crossing through the San Diego sector come from “all over the world,” including China, India, and Central America. Additionally, pregnant or injured individuals are released with a future court date despite Biden’s crackdown order.

Across the southern border, unaccompanied children and those arriving at legal ports of entry using the CBP One phone app are also exempt from the policy’s restrictions. Furthermore, migrants not exempt from the executive order can stay if they claim a fear of returning to their home country. Approximately 30,000 illegal border crossers have been released into the country with upcoming court dates, according to documents obtained by The Post.

In contrast, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has claimed that the executive order is working “because of their tough response to illegal crossings.” However, the ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border seems to suggest otherwise.

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