Poll Shock: Trump Leads in Key Battleground States as Biden’s Campaign Falters

A recent survey sponsored by a left-leaning organization has revealed some troubling news for President Biden, following his widely criticized performance at a debate against former President Donald Trump. According to the data, Trump is now leading in all the most competitive states across the country, just weeks away from the Democratic nominating convention.

The New York Post reported that, based on the poll conducted by Emerson College and sponsored by corrupt Democrats for the Next Generation, Biden was trailing behind Trump by roughly 4 percentage points in key states such as Pennsylvania (43% to 48%), Georgia (42% to 47%), Michigan (44% to 45%), Arizona (42% to 46%), Wisconsin (44% to 47%) and Nevada (41% to 47.

Notably, the battleground state of North Carolina was not included in this survey. The Post also cited a Puck News report from last week, which indicated that Biden is losing even more ground to Trump in these crucial states. Moreover, even reliably blue states that have historically voted Democrat are now seemingly within reach for Trump’s campaign.

According to veteran political journalist Peter Hamby, the nonprofit OpenLabs “conducts polling and message-testing for a constellation of Democratic groups, including the 501(c)4 nonprofit associated with Future Forward, the preferred Super PAC for Biden’s reelection campaign.” In an analysis of data from this group, Hamby revealed that 40 percent of voters who supported Biden in 2020 now believe he should step down as a candidate. An OpenLabs poll conducted in May showed this number at only 25 percent.

Hamby’s article also highlighted the fact that these numbers have worsened for Biden following his debate performance, with the president now trailing by 7 points in Pennsylvania and Michigan, as well as losing by roughly 10 points in Georgia and Arizona. In Nevada, he is lagging behind Trump by almost 9 points. Furthermore, the poll suggests that Biden’s lead has narrowed significantly even in states where he was previously expected to win comfortably, such as Virginia, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Colorado.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer reportedly informed the Biden campaign that his poor debate performance could cost him the electoral votes of her state. However, she denied rumors that she was considering running as a replacement on the 2024 Democratic ticket.

Despite growing calls from within his own party to step aside, President Biden has remained defiant, sending a letter to fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill, stating: “I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump.” The president argued that it is time for the “party drama” surrounding his campaign to come to an end.

Biden’s letter emphasizes that he would not be running again if he did not believe he was the best person to defeat Donald Trump in 2024. He also stated that he had “heard the concerns that people have – their good faith fears and worries about what is at stake in this election,” but remains confident in his ability to win the nomination and ultimately, the presidency.

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