Hollywood’s Hypocritical Hold on Politics: A Clooney Revelation

The Actualization of Hollywood’s Elitist Self-Interest.

In a recent New York Times op-ed, actor George Clooney revealed his true feelings about former Vice President Joe Biden’s prospects in the 2024 election, urging him to step down from the race. This revelation comes after Clooney and other Hollywood celebrities, such as Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand, hosted a splashy fundraiser for Biden’s campaign just three weeks prior to this admission.

At that fundraiser in LA, Clooney could not help but notice the stark contrast between the Joe Biden he knew and the one who appeared on stage. It’s devastating to say it,” wrote Clooney, “but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe ‘big F—ing deal’ Biden of 2010.

As a long-time supporter of Biden, Clooney was well aware that the candidate he backed was no longer the same man he had once championed. The debate stage revealed an undeniable cognitive decline in Biden, who seemed unable to form coherent thoughts without relying on teleprompters, handlers, or press representatives.

This revelation raises questions about the role of Hollywood celebrities in political campaigns. Clooney and other industry A-listers have long been known for their support of Democratic candidates, often using their fame to help raise funds and garner attention for their preferred politicians. However, this recent fundraiser for Biden appears to have been a desperate attempt to mask the candidate’s obvious flaws with glitz and glamour.

It seems that Clooney and his celebrity friends were hoping that by putting on a star-studded event, they could convince the American public to overlook the obvious shortcomings of their chosen candidate. Unfortunately for them, this plan backfired, as it became clear that even Hollywood’s most prominent stars couldn’t save Joe Biden from his own declining cognitive abilities.

This debacle is emblematic of the larger issue within Hollywood – a blatant disregard for the intelligence and discernment of the American people. By attempting to “agewash” Biden with a star-studded fundraiser, Clooney and his fellow industry elites demonstrated their willingness to manipulate public opinion through deceptive tactics.

In doing so, they have only further cemented their reputation as out-of-touch blowhards who believe themselves superior to the rest of us. As Clooney himself admitted in his op-ed, “democracy is messy,” and this situation has shown just how messy it can be when Hollywood’s self-interest takes precedence over the needs of the American public.

The time has come for a new generation of leaders to step up and take control of our nation’s future. We cannot continue to rely on the same tired tactics employed by Hollywood elites, who believe that fame alone can sway an election. Instead, we must look to fresh faces with innovative ideas – individuals who are not beholden to the whims of celebrity endorsements or the pressure to conform to the status quo.

As George Clooney himself has demonstrated, even the most powerful figures in Hollywood cannot escape the consequences of their own hypocrisy. It is time for a change, and it starts with rejecting the false narratives peddled by those who seek only to advance their own agendas at the expense of our democracy.

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