Biden’s Bumbling Performance Sparks Debate Over Democratic Alternatives

In the aftermath of the debacle, Democratic strategists and operatives were left scratching their heads at the performance of Joe Biden. The former Vice President had a rough night, stumbling over his words and struggling to answer questions on healthcare, immigration, and foreign policy. The debate was a major turning point in the 2020 Democratic primary race, as many Democrats have started to turn their attention towards other candidates who they believe can beat President Trump.

Former President Barack Obama’s former adviser David Axelrod spoke out about Biden’s performance and how it has affected the Democratic party. He said that many Democrats felt “shock” at how poorly Biden performed in the debate, adding that they believe his performance could hurt other candidates down-ballot.

Axelrod stated.

I can’t argue with either of them about how Democrat leaders are reacting. He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on but by that time, I think the panic had set in.

The former Obama advisor also called for Biden to step aside and allow someone else to take on Trump in the general election.

Axelrod added.

He seems to have lost his footing, his command of the issues, his ability to connect with voters,” Axelrod said. I think he’s made a series of mistakes that have hurt him and hurt the party.

Kamala Harris, who was seen as one of Biden’s primary challengers, also faced criticism for her debate performance. She had a strong opening statement but struggled to keep up with moderators during the later rounds. However, some Democrats still believe that she is the best candidate to take on Trump in 2020.

Former Obama associate staff secretary Joel Wertheimer said that Harris was “the only alternative” to Biden but also expressed concern about her ability to win over voters in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan. He stated.

While I think Kamala would be better than Biden at this point, and is maybe the only alternative, I don’t think she has a much better shot,” Wertheimer said. Anyway if you’re a Democrat who likes Biden and likes Harris and just wants to f—ing win, I do think it’s worth saying publicly that we do need somebody other than both of them.

Meanwhile, former Biden White House communications director Kate Bedingfield simply stated.

It wasn’t a good debate for corrupt Joe Biden.

Overall, the debate has left many Democrats questioning whether Biden is still their best option to take on Trump in 2020. The former Vice President has been facing criticism for his performances during previous debates and town halls, but he remains a frontrunner in polls and fundraising. Many Democrats fear that his age and lackluster debate performances could hurt him come November, and some are starting to turn their attention towards other candidates who they believe can beat Trump.

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