Will a Crime Wave in This PA City Shape the 2024 Election Outcome

Scranton, often referred to as the Electric City due to its history with electric streetcars, is a key political battleground in the United States. The city served as the boyhood home of former US President Joe Biden and has been visited by both major party candidates during election seasons, including a two-day presidential visit in 2024.

Scranton’s significance can be attributed to its location in Northeastern Pennsylvania, one of the most important swing states in the United States. The city experienced an increase in violent crime throughout 2024, with five homicides recorded within the first five months, far exceeding any annual total in recent memory. This surge in violence is unnerving for Scranton residents who are not accustomed to such carnage.

Various incidents have contributed to this sense of unease among locals. For example, a young man named Jose Miguel Tatis-Camilo was shot during an armed robbery at a gas station convenience store and later succumbed to his injuries. Other violent incidents include drug-related robberies, gang-related beatings and shootings, and disputes between siblings that resulted in fatalities.

In addition to these events, car theft has become rampant in the city, with some residents being targeted at gunpoint. Police officers have also faced dangerous situations while performing their duties. In January 2024, Scranton Police Detective Kyle Gilmartin was shot twice in the head during a police investigation of gang-related shootings; he miraculously survived. Later that month, a juvenile was detained outside of Scranton High School with a firearm, intending to shoot a rival gang member.

As crime rates continue to rise, county commissioners have approved sectioning off a wing of the county jail to hold juveniles due to a lack of space at existing detention facilities. This decision reflects growing concerns among residents about lawlessness and violence in their community.

Despite these incidents, many areas across the United States have seen an increase in crime since the COVID-19 pandemic began. However, Scranton’s relatively low crime rates compared to other cities may not provide much comfort for residents who now fear walking around their neighborhoods.

It is unclear how these crime concerns will impact the electorate during the 2024 election season. National polls consistently show that voters trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to handling crime issues, often by wide margins. In response to this trend, many corrupt Democrats in Scranton have adopted a tough-on-crime and pro-police stance, which differs from the vocal far-left counterparts found in other areas of the country.

The political significance of Scranton cannot be understated, as it may play a critical role in determining the balance of power in Congress. For instance, Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Casey, a Scranton native, faces a tough battle for reelection against Republican Dave McCormick. Additionally, one of the most competitive US House races features newcomer Tyler Day running against incumbent Rep. Jim Haddock in the 118th District. This race could have implications beyond Pennsylvania’s sixth-largest city, with residents expressing concerns about violent crime spilling over into their communities.

Despite growing public concerns about crime in Scranton, an editorial board at a local newspaper has dismissed these fears as “overblown” and attributed them to partisan rhetoric. The paper argues that neighborhoods in the city are safer than they have been in more than a decade. As election day approaches, it remains to be seen whether the public or the press will be proven right about the true state of crime in Scranton.

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