Taking the Lead: Conservative Preparation for a Trumpian Future

Conservatives have launched a focused and unprecedented effort, known as Project 2025, in anticipation of another Donald Trump presidency. With backing from 100 conservative groups, including well-established institutions within Washington D.C., the project aims to ensure that Trump can make the most of his second term should he win in November.

The movement is centered around four key areas: counteracting defections and disloyalty within Trump’s ranks; ensuring that Republican leaders support the President’s policy agenda; minimizing interference from Executive Branch investigations such as the special counsel probe into alleged ‘Russian collusion’; and restructuring the federal government to better serve the interests of the American people.

Project 2025 is led by The Heritage Foundation, which also played a significant role in helping Trump develop a list of potential Supreme Court Justice candidates during his first term. Trump’s appointment of three justices has had a profound impact on various major court cases, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The project seeks to swiftly populate the federal government with loyalists and conservatives, counterbalancing the predominantly liberal contingent of employees within the bureaucracy. In doing so, it aims to dismantle the so-called “deep state” – a system of mid-level bureaucrats wielding significant authority through the formulation of rules, regardless of which political party is in power.

To achieve this goal, Project 2025 has adopted the strategy used for the Supreme Court playbook, which involves selecting individuals to fill around 9,000 executive branch positions appointed by the president. These appointments are detailed in a 232-page document known as the Plum Book.

The project’s leaders believe that Americans are tired of their government being used against them and are determined to reform the federal bureaucracy so that it works for the American people. With its coalition of 100 members, Project 2025 is optimistic about making significant progress in the coming months, as it prepares for a potential Trump victory in November’s election.

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