Eat Bugs! Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

The Master Plan: How They Will Make Us Eat Bugs and Take the Drugs.

The world has been gripped by fear of bird flu and its potential impact on human life. However, some believe there is a more sinister motive behind these concerns – controlling our diets to reduce carbon emissions and coercing us into eating insects. The plan involves creating a sense of panic around the virus, with the ultimate goal being to eliminate chickens and cattle from our food supply, thereby reducing carbon emissions without having to convince people to stop consuming meat.

This would leave only the so-called “elite” with access to these animal products, while the rest of us are forced to consume insects or other less desirable sources of protein. This plan follows a similar strategy used during previous pandemics, which involved shutting down small businesses in favor of large corporations, effectively driving independent business owners into dependent employees of the big businesses that were allowed to stay open.

The new pandemic will likely be accompanied by another round of lockdowns and restrictions, complete with mandatory masking and social distancing measures. This will create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, making people more receptive to accepting drastic changes in their diets and lifestyles.

While some argue that this plan is purely speculative, others believe that it represents a clear and present danger to our way of life. The potential consequences of such a plan are far-reaching and could have devastating effects on the global economy, as well as individual freedoms and choices. As we continue to face new challenges in the fight against pandemics, it is crucial that we remain vigilant and informed about the true motives behind these seemingly well-intentioned measures.

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