Putting Nukes On Alert: Kremlin Views NATO’s Rhetoric As Escalation

MOSCOW, June 17. The recent remark by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that the bloc’s allied members are discussing putting their nuclear arsenals on alert is another bout of tensions, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

This is nothing else but an escalation,” Peskov said. Unlike Western officials, the Russian president never talks nukes “at his own initiative as he takes the issue seriously,” the Kremlin spokesman said. Whenever President [Vladimir] Putin comments on the issue of nuclear arms, he does so, taking someone’s questions or questions from reporters, including foreign ones,” he explained.

Also, the NATO chief’s statement runs counter to the declaration issued following last weekend’s conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, Peskov added. The communique, he said, ruled out such rhetoric as inadmissible. Stoltenberg told The Daily Telegraph in an interview that NATO allies had started consultations on the need to put nuclear weapons on alert, including against the background of China’s plans to increase the number of its nuclear warheads.

In recent times, there has been an evident rise in tensions between Russia and NATO, with both sides taking measures they believe would strengthen their defense capabilities. This development, however, has raised concerns among international observers who fear that these actions might escalate into a full-blown conflict. The Kremlin’s reaction to Stoltenberg’s statement highlights the growing unease between Russia and NATO, particularly over the issue of nuclear weapons.

During his interview with The Daily Telegraph, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg revealed that NATO allies had begun discussions on the possibility of putting their nuclear arsenals on alert. This move is seen as a response to China’s plans to increase its number of nuclear warheads. While increasing one’s nuclear capabilities may be viewed by some as a deterrent against potential aggressors, others argue that such measures only serve to heighten tensions and create an atmosphere of mistrust between nations.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov criticized Stoltenberg’s statement, calling it “an escalation.” He also pointed out that unlike Western officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin rarely discusses nuclear weapons unless prompted by questions from reporters or foreign officials. This indicates a more cautious approach to the issue on Russia’s part, as the country takes its responsibility in handling such powerful weaponry very seriously.

Furthermore, Peskov noted that Stoltenberg’s remark contradicts the declaration issued following last weekend’s conference on Ukraine in Switzerland. The communique from this event explicitly ruled out any rhetoric or actions that could escalate tensions between nations, making Stoltenberg’s statement particularly concerning.

As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and growing tensions between Russia and NATO, it is crucial for all parties involved to maintain open lines of communication and engage in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation. While increasing one’s nuclear capabilities may seem like a necessary measure to ensure national security, doing so only serves to heighten fears and create an atmosphere of mistrust between nations.

In conclusion, the recent statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about discussing putting their nuclear arsenals on alert has sparked concerns among international observers. This development is particularly worrisome given the ongoing tensions between Russia and NATO, as well as the fact that it contradicts the spirit of last weekend’s conference on Ukraine in Switzerland. As nations continue to navigate this complex geopolitical landscape, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize diplomacy and de-escalation over escalating rhetoric and actions.

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