Biden Impeachment Frenzy Heats Up: Green Gets Tough On Trump’s Alleged Misdeeds

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has renewed her call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden, citing a damning new report that sheds light on potential conflicts between his professional and family ties. The Georgia Republican has been advocating for Biden’s impeachment since before he was inaugurated, with allegations that he abused his position of power to personally enrich himself and his family through improper foreign business dealings with his son, Hunter Biden.

Politico reported on Saturday that many of Biden’s closest staff and advisers have been business associates of his family members, revealing overlaps between the president’s professional and family ties, including shared personnel like a bookkeeper with his son Hunter and a personal lawyer with his brother Jim. It is unclear if his current or former staffers are involved in the business affairs of his relatives.

Greene took to the X platform to respond to the report and to push once again for Biden’s impeachment, stating that he has abused his position of power to personally enrich himself and his family for years, adding that there is no bigger scandal in American politics. She further called for Joe Biden to be impeached, convicted in the Senate, removed from office, and prosecuted for his crimes.

In December 2021, the House of Representatives initiated an impeachment inquiry into President Biden with a vote of 221-212 along party lines, alleging that he improperly used his position as vice president under President Obama to benefit the business dealings of his son Hunter, gaining financially from these activities. President Biden has denied any involvement in his son’s business dealings, but several eyewitnesses have testified before GOP-led House committees that the elder Biden was directly involved and that Hunter’s entire ‘business’ was selling access to his father.

Greene handily won the nomination for her congressional district last month and took to the X platform to thank her constituents, pledging to support President Trump’s America First agenda if re-elected. Earlier in that month, Greene lashed out at Fox News after a columnist on the network’s website called her an “idiot.” She responded by stating that she had exposed what was already happening in the dark and accused Fox News of trying to wreck the GOP.

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