Television therapist’s spousal surveillance allegations ignite scandal in posh Connecticut community

In an intriguing turn of events, a high-profile psychologist from Greenwich, Connecticut, who has made appearances on networks such as CNN, CBS, and Fox News, has been accused of bugging her ex-husband’s room while he worked from home. This revelation has sparked business interest in the city that never sleeps.

The wealthy couple, Judith Zackson and Brad Zackson, are currently going through a divorce. During their separation, Judith allegedly hid recording devices in Brad’s rooms in 2021 and 2022, even going so far as to place one on his vehicle. The recordings were reportedly meant for her to get “a big check” from the CEO of Brad’s real estate company, Gary Segal, according to court papers.

Brad’s company, Dynamic Star, and its CEO have sued Judith in Manhattan Supreme Court, accusing her of “illegal eavesdropping” and misconduct by recording his business calls. The couple currently resides in a $4 million, six-bedroom, 7.5-bath, 6,727-square-foot mansion in Greenwich where they began living separately in 2020 as their marriage began to unravel.

Judith, an expert on anxiety, depression, and attention deficit disorder, is worth over $4.4 million. She has denied the allegations against her, calling them baseless. Dynamic Star’s business deals include Fordham Landing in The Bronx, a massive, $2.5 billion mixed-use development located on the Harlem River.

Brad discovered one of the recorders in April 2022 when he noticed a flashing red light near his bathroom ceiling. He filed for divorce the following month. Their divorce proceedings are still ongoing. In an effort to have Judith pay his legal fees, Brad claimed to be $9 million in debt, with $5.7 million owed to Segal, who gives him $40,000 a month.

During their marriage, Judith admitted to spying on her husband and even joked about getting a “big check” from Gary Segal. She recorded calls between Brad, Dynamic’s co-founder and director of development, and other senior executives, attorneys, New York City officials, prospective investors, and others.

Dynamic Star claims that Judith has been spying on their business affairs for years and seeks to have all recordings turned over. The company alleges that the damages caused by these actions cannot be calculated, as they extend beyond monetary damages and could affect interpersonal relationships and business opportunities.

In response to the lawsuit, a Dynamic Star spokesman stated, “Dynamic Star and Ms Zackson have no financial relationship. Dynamic Star is fighting an ongoing vindictive, ugly campaign being waged by an ex-wife of a principal. We are confident the court will see the truth.

On the other hand, Judith’s attorney, Peter Zeidenberg, claims that she wants to “protect herself from her spouse” and has made no financial demands in connection with the case. In May 2022, Brad was caught possessing a firearm despite a prior felony conviction making it illegal for him to do so, according to Connecticut criminal records.

Furthermore, he violated an order of protection twice in 2022, leading to more arrests. New York State records reveal that Brad Zackson was convicted of robbery and criminal possession of a weapon in Nassau County back in 1983. A spokesman for Brad Zackson has not yet responded to questions about these arrests.

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