Hunter Biden Trial: Rulings by Judge in Pre-Trial Hearing

Hunter Biden’s Case Moves Closer to Trial Despite His Objections.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was not able to secure all the favorable rulings from a federal court that he sought. The Epoch Times reported that prosecutors in this case scored some significant victories with U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika. She ruled that the government would be allowed to speak about Biden’s spending habits related to his purchase of a $900 firearm in Delaware back in 2018.

In addition, the judge stated that government prosecutors would not have the burden of proving that Biden was on drugs when he purchased the firearm; they only needed to demonstrate that he was a drug user at the time. This is something Hunter admitted to in his memoir and interviews.

The prosecution also successfully petitioned the judge to prohibit the defense from discussing the fact that Delaware prosecutors did not charge their client for the same offenses because state officials “did not possess the evidence federal authorities later obtained, and even if they had, the conduct was likely not prosecutable under Delaware state law.

On the other hand, Hunter Biden’s legal defense team also managed to score several victories in the hearing. They successfully petitioned the court to prohibit the prosecution from mentioning anything about Biden being discharged from the U.S. Navy or his child support proceedings and any references to the tax fraud charges he is currently facing in California.

Furthermore, prosecutors are now banned from describing Hunter Biden’s spending habits as an “extravagant lifestyle.

Judge Noreika also ruled that questions about the authenticity of the files found on his infamous laptop would be allowed during the trial proceedings. Prosecutors had argued that discussing this topic would be a waste of time and there is no evidence to suggest that any information on the laptop was tampered with.

Hunter Biden has faced criticism from Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, who attacked him in an interview on Fox News back in April. His attorneys claim that Hunter’s case is “baseless.” During his interview on Fox News, Jordan stated that it was ridiculous for Hunter to say that the evidence against him is baseless as “the country can see what he was involved in.

Jordan further criticized Hunter by stating: “Part of this real estate investment entity that they were working on together. But she, in fact did that. I mean, that’s the big picture. You know, what you played the clip from Hunter Biden he said baseless inquiry. We got millions of dollars from foreign entities flowing through 20 different companies for what? What was the service? What were they selling? What were they offering.

He added, “And Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner told us in his deposition it was for access to the brand. And the brand was Joe Biden. The brand who played rounds of golf, took phone calls and meetings, attended lunches and dinners with Hunter Biden and his business associates, the brand who conditioned $1 billion of American tax money on the firing of the prosecutor who was investigating the company Hunter Biden sat on the — on the board up and was receiving a million dollars a year.

Hunter’s legal troubles continue to unfold as his case moves closer to trial. It remains to be seen how these recent court rulings will impact the outcome of this high-profile case involving the son of the current U.S. president.

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