Trump Allies’ Denial of Absolute Immunity and Disregard for Media Freedom Condemned by Lawmakers, Journalists, and Civil Liberties Advocates

A South Carolina Republican Senator predicted that the Supreme Court will send a case related to Donald Trump’s presidential immunity back down to the lower courts. The Senator believed there was no “absolute immunity” detailed in the Constitution, but thought the case would result in Trump gaining some immunity for actions he took while president and is now being prosecuted for.

The Senator dismissed testimony from former American Media CEO David Pecker about Trump paying to kill bad stories about him ahead of the 2016 election. Pecker testified that he paid to catch-and-kill stories about Trump specifically to help his presidential campaign. When asked by CNN’s Dana Bash if he had concerns about this, the Senator responded by listing famous people who allegedly use this tactic. You don’t have any concerns about that?” Bash asked in reference to testimony in the Manhattan hush money trial last week.

The Senator listed Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, and other notable individuals as examples of those who might engage in this behavior. He called the entire trial a “crock” and accused the liberal prosecutor in Manhattan of launching a political hit job on Trump six months before the election. The case is related to Trump falsifying business records for payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet ahead of the 2016 election about her alleged extramarital affair with Trump.

During his testimony, Pecker said he paid former Playboy model Karen McDougal for her story about an affair with Trump and then killed it because it would have hurt his chances of winning the election over Hillary Clinton. Bash asked the Senator if he was concerned with this, but he brushed off the question. When Bash countered that Tiger Woods is not running for president, the Senator agreed, calling the entire trial “B.S.” and saying it’s all political “B.S.

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