Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Fatal Disaster Raises Questions About Lack of Safety Mechanisms

The tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has raised significant concerns about the safety measures in place to prevent such disasters. The incident, which claimed the lives of six individuals, has left many wondering if more could have been done to protect the bridge from a large vessel collision.

It remains unclear what exactly caused the 985-foot long cargo vessel to lose control and strike a critical part of the bridge’s structure known as a pylon. However, the absence of protective mechanisms around the bridge raises serious questions about its vulnerability to such accidents.

According to a 2018 report by the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure, there have been 35 major bridge collapses worldwide between 1960 and 2015 due to ship or barge collisions, resulting in the deaths of 342 people. Out of these incidents, 18 occurred in the United States, including the 1980 collision between a freighter and the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Florida, which claimed the lives of 35 individuals.

Following the Sunshine Skyway Bridge tragedy, a replacement bridge was constructed with enhanced protective measures. The new bridge featured circular sheet pile cells, also known as dolphins, to safeguard its piers. Additionally, concrete and rock buffers were added around the larger piers for added protection, and the shipping lanes were widened to ensure safer passage for vessels.

In contrast, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, built in 1977, does not appear to have any protective barriers in place. The pier that was struck by the cargo vessel was not surrounded by any buffer-like structures, raising concerns about the lack of precautionary measures. Although there are small circular-shaped structures in the water, it remains unclear if they serve any protective purpose.

Ron Harichandran, Ph.D., dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering in Connecticut, suggested that even if protective barriers were in place, they might not have been sufficient to prevent the accident due to the sheer size and weight of the cargo ship. With a dead weight tonnage of nearly 117,000 tons, the ship’s impact would have overwhelmed most protective systems. Harichandran mentioned that the only effective protection would have been to construct an island around the piers, which is an expensive endeavor.

Jennifer Homendy, the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, acknowledged the importance of protective structures and stated that they would be investigated as part of the bridge collapse inquiry. She emphasized the need to examine the bridge’s construction and determine if any safety improvements should be implemented.

As of now, at least six construction workers who were on the bridge during the collapse are presumed dead. The investigation into the incident will also explore alternative cost-effective systems that could provide earlier warnings to bridge users. Trip wires and sophisticated warning sensors could be utilized to alert authorities and evacuate the area in case of an impending disaster.

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge serves as a stark reminder of the importance of implementing robust safety measures. While the exact cause of the accident is yet to be determined, it is clear that the absence of protective barriers and buffers contributed to the devastation. As authorities continue their investigation, it is hoped that lessons will be learned to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

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Gary Kost
Gary Kost
5 months ago

Your “news” is totally fake, bolstered by Russian propaganda

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