Russian Submarine Successfully Launches Missile in the Sea of Japan, Demonstrating Military Power in the Region

The diesel-electric submarine “Volkhov” conducted a training launch of the “Kalibr” missile in the Sea of Japan. This information was reported by TASS, citing the information department of the Russian Pacific Fleet.

“The missile firing was carried out against a coastal target simulating the firing position of a hypothetical enemy. Prior to the launch, the submarine covertly took up the designated area for firing. At the designated time, the “Kalibr” missile successfully hit the assigned target in the tactical field of “Syurkum,” located in the Khabarovsk Krai,” the fleet’s press service said.

It is noted that the firing range exceeded one thousand kilometers, and in addition, the “Volkhov” was covered by ships and vessels of the Pacific Fleet during the execution of the task, together with aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles of the naval aviation, ensuring the closure of the firing area.

Prior to this, Russian exercises on electronic warfare took place in the Sea of Japan.

Earlier, a military expert explained how to protect the Black Sea Fleet from attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In a recent demonstration of Russian military power, the diesel-electric submarine “Volkhov” successfully conducted a training launch of the highly capable “Kalibr” missile in the Sea of Japan. This display of strength by the Russian Pacific Fleet highlights the country’s commitment to maintaining a strong defense capability. The missile firing was executed with precision, hitting the designated target, which simulated the firing position of a hypothetical enemy. The range of the missile exceeded an impressive one thousand kilometers, demonstrating the advanced capabilities of the Russian submarine.

To ensure the success of the mission, the “Volkhov” was supported by a fleet of ships and vessels from the Pacific Fleet, as well as aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles of the naval aviation. Their coordinated efforts provided effective coverage and ensured the closure of the firing area. This level of coordination and integration across different branches of the Russian military exemplifies the country’s commitment to maintaining a robust defense posture.

The exercises in the Sea of Japan also included training on electronic warfare, further enhancing the readiness and capabilities of the Russian armed forces. By continuously improving their skills in this crucial area, Russia demonstrates its determination to protect its interests and maintain a strong defense against potential threats.

The successful training launch of the “Kalibr” missile by the “Volkhov” submarine serves as a reminder of Russia’s military prowess and its commitment to maintaining a strong defense capability. As tensions continue to rise in various regions around the world, Russia’s efforts to strengthen its armed forces are crucial for maintaining stability and safeguarding its national interests.

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