Republicans Plotting to Bypass Speaker and Aid Ukraine: A Battle of Parliamentary Tactics” (126 characters)

Title: Lawmakers Explore Unconventional Methods to Secure Ukraine Aid Amidst Political Divisions

In the current political landscape of Washington, unconventional parliamentary tools are being considered by lawmakers to provide aid to Ukraine, highlighting the deep divisions within Congress. As the House Republican majority has dwindled to just two seats, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is facing difficulties in rallying GOP members to support Republican-authored legislation. Consequently, the House has relied on a coalition of Democrats and a smaller group of Republicans to pass several bills, with Democrats shouldering most of the burden.

To address this situation, lawmakers are exploring two parliamentary tactics: “discharge petitions” and “defeating the previous question.” A discharge petition allows a majority of House members, regardless of party, to circumvent the House speaker’s authority and bring a bill to the floor for a vote. However, discharge petitions are seldom successful, having been employed only twice in the past 23 years.

Alternatively, “defeating the previous question” is a more unconventional method that could potentially grant control of the House floor to the minority party for an hour. This maneuver allows the minority party to bring up any issue they desire, including a bill to aid Ukraine. However, successfully defeating the previous question is rare, with the last occurrence happening in 1988.

The historical context of such parliamentary tactics offers insights into their potential outcomes. In 1981, conservative Democrats, called the “Boll Weevils,” collaborated with Republicans to bypass House Speaker Tip O’Neill, D-Mass., and vote on President Ronald Reagan’s tax cut plan. This coalition played a crucial role in passing the tax cuts, demonstrating the significance of unconventional alliances in Congress.

The current situation regarding Ukraine aid is unique as it is primarily Republicans who may betray their party’s leadership. Unlike the past, when moderate Republicans, known as the “Gypsy Moths,” attempted to exercise independence from the Reagan administration, today’s potential supporters of Ukraine aid mostly hail from the northern and Midwestern regions.

As discussions continue on how to secure aid for Ukraine, the viability of discharge petitions and defeating the previous question remains uncertain. Nevertheless, the key question for lawmakers is whether aiding Ukraine is a priority for Congress. With political divisions rampant, finding common ground on foreign aid may prove challenging.

In conclusion, as political tensions persist within Congress, lawmakers are resorting to unconventional parliamentary tactics to address the issue of providing aid to Ukraine. The use of discharge petitions and defeating the previous question reflects the deep divisions and shifting alliances within the House. While the outcome remains uncertain, the urgency to assist Ukraine necessitates innovative approaches to overcome partisan hurdles and achieve bipartisan consensus.

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