Biden Administration Blames Republicans for Historic $34 Trillion Debt, Controversial Earmarks Raise Conservative Eyebrows

The Biden administration wasted no time in deflecting blame onto Republicans as America’s national debt surged to a staggering $34 trillion, a historic high, despite President Biden being in office for nearly three years. Conservative groups are raising concerns over several controversial earmarks included in this year’s congressional budget request. The budget, a hefty 1,000-page document released in the early hours of Thursday, includes funding for LGBTQ+ facilities and a late-term abortion clinic, which has drawn criticism from conservatives. Additionally, a multi-million-dollar proposal for “gun confiscation” research has been met with opposition.

Americans Advancing Freedom, a nonprofit organization led by former Vice President Mike Pence, expressed their dismay in a statement, insisting that Congress should not pass the legislation with these “egregious earmarks.” John Shelton, the policy director of Americans Advancing Freedom, highlighted the flawed process of releasing bill text in the middle of the night, which often results in funding allocations that conservatives consider wasteful. Shelton further criticized the funding of centers that promote gender transitions in minors without parental knowledge, stating that American taxpayers should not be funding such initiatives.

Among the earmarks drawing scrutiny is a $400,000 request made by Wisconsin Democrat Sen. Tammy Baldwin for a facility called Briarpatch Youth Services. The organization runs programs like “Teens Like Us LGBTQIA2s+” for ages 13-18, providing gender-affirming clothing and organizing events like “pride prom” for children as young as 12, without requiring parental permission. Similarly, New Jersey Democrat Sens. Cory Booker and Bob Menendez requested $400,000 for the Garden State Equality Education Fund, Inc., the state’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group. The group provides undergarments, known as binders and gaffs, to transgender individuals.

Additionally, Rhode Island Democrat Sens. Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse proposed $1.8 million for the Women and Infants Hospital in Rhode Island, known for performing elective abortions up to 22 weeks. The budget also includes $12.5 million for a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study called the Prevent Firearm Injury and Mortality research. While the NIH claims the study aims to develop effective public health interventions to prevent violence, including firearm violence, critics, such as the gun rights lobbying organization Gun Owners of America, argue that these grants fund research on gun confiscation and other controversial measures.

The House is expected to vote on the appropriations package later this week, as government funding is set to run out on Friday night. Although Congress has not yet fully funded the government for FY 2024, President Biden released a $7.3 trillion budget proposal for 2025 last week. With the U.S. national debt nearing $34.5 trillion and the federal budget deficit standing at $531 billion, conservatives are becoming increasingly concerned about the financial implications of the Biden administration’s spending plans.

In conclusion, the Biden administration faces criticism from conservatives over the national debt reaching record levels, and the inclusion of controversial earmarks in the congressional budget request. Conservative groups argue that taxpayer funds should not be allocated to LGBTQ+ facilities, late-term abortion clinics, or “gun confiscation” research. As the House prepares to vote on the appropriations package, conservatives are growing more concerned about the Biden administration’s spending agenda and its impact on the country’s fiscal health.

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