Outraged Protesters Disrupt Kyle Rittenhouse Event at University of Memphis, Exposing Unprecedented University Bias

Outrage erupted at the University of Memphis as protesters disrupted a Turning Point USA (TPUSA) event featuring Kyle Rittenhouse. The TPUSA college chapter had invited Rittenhouse, who gained notoriety for his involvement in a shooting incident during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to speak about the Second Amendment and self-defense. However, the event quickly descended into chaos as some students disrupted Rittenhouse’s Q&A session and chased attendees leaving the campus.

TPUSA accused the university of taking “unprecedented actions to undermine our event.” The organization claimed that previous ticket holders were notified on the day of the event that their seats were no longer reserved and that they would have to rebook. TPUSA spokesperson Andrew Kolvet expressed disappointment, stating, “This abrupt change will result in hundreds of disappointed students whose tickets will no longer grant them entrance into the venue.” Additionally, TPUSA alleged that school administrators leaked new ticketing information to protesters, allowing them to fill up seats and stage a walk-out.

In the days leading up to the event, social media posts revealed students urging others to email school administrators in an attempt to cancel Rittenhouse’s appearance. One post read, “A murderer who wants to speak on the ‘lies’ of BLM should not be welcome on our campus!” These posts suggest a coordinated effort to disrupt the event.

Videos uploaded to social media showed protesters chasing attendees and booing them as state troopers escorted them off campus. Chants of “No justice, no peace” echoed through the crowd, and protesters followed attendees to their cars in the university’s parking garages, shouting obscenities and blocking exits. State troopers attempted to control the situation.

Kyle Rittenhouse, in a video uploaded after the event, described it as “great” and stated that he was not booed off stage because there was a predetermined time for the event’s conclusion. The University of Memphis has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Rittenhouse gained national attention when he was acquitted on all charges related to the shooting incident in Kenosha. His defense argued that he acted in self-defense after being attacked during the civil unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. The deceased individuals involved in the incident had prior criminal records, including alleged domestic abuse, child molestation, and disorderly conduct.

As the situation at the University of Memphis unfolds, it raises questions about the limits of free speech and the ability of conservative voices to be heard on college campuses. The disruption of this event highlights the growing tension between conservative student groups and left-leaning protesters, who often resort to tactics that stifle opposing viewpoints.

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