Florida Police Union Endorses Trump, Blames Biden for Rising Crime, Immigration Crisis – Exclusive Interview on Hannity

Florida Police Union Endorses Former President Trump in Presidential Election

In a significant development leading up to the November general election, the Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the largest police union in the state, has announced its endorsement of former President Donald Trump. PBA President John Kazanjian declared that Trump is the right person to handle the multitude of crises currently facing the nation.

Kazanjian highlighted the challenges that law enforcement officers have encountered over the past four years under the current administration. He noted that record numbers of officers are leaving their jobs, crime rates are rising in major cities, and the influx of over 8 million migrants has placed an overwhelming strain on local municipalities’ ability to maintain public safety and provide essential services.

According to Kazanjian, the choice of the next president of the United States is crucial for the nation’s future. On behalf of the 30,000 members of Florida’s largest law enforcement union, he proudly endorsed Trump for a second term. Kazanjian praised the successes of Trump’s administration and emphasized that another term would ensure the defense of police and the resolution of the border crisis.

The endorsement from the Florida PBA comes at a time when murder rates are increasing in big cities across the country, including Washington, D.C., Memphis, and New Orleans. Despite overall lower crime rates nationwide, retail theft rates have also been on the rise, leading to the closure of many businesses.

It is worth mentioning that the Florida PBA previously endorsed the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, in the Republican primary. However, after DeSantis dropped out of the race, the organization decided to throw its support behind Trump, who became the presumptive nominee following victories in several primaries.

The endorsement from the Florida PBA adds to the growing support for Trump in the upcoming election. It reflects the concerns of law enforcement officers regarding the current state of public safety and their confidence in Trump’s ability to address these issues effectively.

As the election season progresses, it will be interesting to see how this endorsement influences the opinions of voters in Florida and beyond. The support of law enforcement unions can carry significant weight, particularly in a state known for its influential role in presidential elections.

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Steve Smith
Steve Smith
3 months ago

Absolutley right, Trump 2024

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