Illegal Migrant from Yemen on Terrorist Watchlist Arrested in North Carolina: Biden’s Immigration Failure Exposed” (99 characters)

An illegal migrant from Yemen, Awet Hagos, has been apprehended in North Carolina following a barricade shooting incident. This shocking revelation has shed light on the failures of the Biden administration’s immigration policies and raised concerns about national security.

Hagos, a citizen of Eritrea, entered the United States illegally after spending time in Haiti. He had been living in North Carolina for six months before his arrest. It is deeply troubling that someone with such a questionable background was able to reside in our country undetected for such a significant period.

Even more alarming is the fact that Hagos was found to be on the terrorist watch list. This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of our immigration screening processes and the potential threats that could be lurking within our borders.

The incident began when authorities responded to reports of gunfire at a gas station. Hagos, who exhibited extreme combative behavior, attempted to disarm a deputy and fled into his home, leading to a four-hour standoff. Thankfully, he was eventually apprehended without further harm to law enforcement officials.

In light of these disturbing revelations, Republican leaders, including Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, Senate leader Phil Berger, and House Speaker Tim Moore, have written a letter to President Biden, demanding more information about Hagos and his alleged terrorist activities. They rightly express concern not only for the people of North Carolina but for the entire nation.

This incident highlights the urgent need for stronger border security measures and more rigorous vetting of individuals seeking to enter our country. The Biden administration’s lenient approach to immigration has created a dangerous situation, allowing individuals with potentially harmful intentions to slip through the cracks.

It is imperative that President Biden takes this incident seriously and takes swift action to address the flaws in our immigration system. The safety and security of American citizens should always be the top priority, and it is clear that significant changes need to be made to achieve this goal.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers we face when we neglect the importance of border security and fail to uphold the rule of law. It is time for the Biden administration to wake up to the reality of the threats we face and take decisive action to protect our country and its citizens from those who wish to do us harm.

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