Former Hunter Biden Associate Reveals Shocking Testimony: Biden Family Used ‘Plausible Deniability’ for Business Deals

Former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski testified before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, providing new insights into the alleged business dealings of the Biden family. Bobulinski, a U.S. Navy veteran and former business partner of Hunter Biden, claimed that Hunter Biden lied under oath about his father’s involvement in his business ventures. He also accused Jim Biden, the president’s brother, of committing perjury during his own testimony.

During the hearing, Bobulinski presented evidence, including text messages, to support his claims. He alleged that Hunter Biden used his father’s position to leverage business deals and that James Biden admitted to him in a 2017 meeting that the family could conduct its business under the guise of “plausible deniability.” These revelations raise serious questions about the integrity and honesty of the Biden family.

However, the hearing was not without controversy. Democratic and Republican members clashed over the credibility of the witnesses. Democrats criticized Bobulinski for offering “a lot of hot air but absolutely no facts,” while Republicans questioned the credibility of Lev Parnas, a former aide to Rudy Giuliani who was invited to testify by the Democrats.

Republican lawmakers also expressed frustration with their Democratic counterparts, accusing them of avoiding the truth and refusing to address the evidence presented by Bobulinski. Rep. Ro Khanna, in particular, came under fire for failing to question Bobulinski and instead focusing solely on Parnas. Bobulinski claimed to have emails and messages from Khanna, demonstrating his willingness to cooperate and provide evidence.

The hearing highlighted the deep partisan divide surrounding the Biden family’s alleged business dealings. Democrats dismissed the claims as baseless and unsupported, while Republicans argued that they raised serious concerns about the president’s integrity and potential conflicts of interest.

As the impeachment inquiry against President Biden continues, it is clear that the allegations surrounding the Biden family’s business dealings will be a central focus. The testimony of Tony Bobulinski provides new evidence and raises significant questions about the actions of Hunter Biden and his associates. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and it is crucial that these allegations are thoroughly investigated.

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